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Old February 1st, 2009, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Originally Posted by XLegend View Post
Yes I've had no trouble with any other mod I've ever downloaded. The only difference that I can tell between this mod and every other one is first the UI folder, and that the nosophoros folder (not the UI) has a bunch of other folders in it, like banner, commanders, flag, etc, Where as every other mods folder just contains
e.g Armored Lowblood 1.tga, Armored Lowblood1a.tga (Nephilim mod)

it just lists seemingly everything in the mod and then .tga and yours has folders and such.
Yep, that is right. There's a bunch of folders (units/commanders etc.), it shouldn't have any effect as long as the path is correct in the .dm file.

Note, it's only the UI folder that goes to dom3, the other files and folders goes to where you normally put your mods.
Have you checked if your extract software is extracting the flag folder + flag.tga correctly?
| Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64-bit |

Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords - v1.02
Conquest of Elysium 3 GUI mods
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