Before I begin: can we have a prefix Off Topic tag?
The topic says it all. What are PC games and video games in general NOT doing that you wish they would do. How is the video game market not fulfilling your needs?
I ask this for two reasons: Curiosity and Im doing a bit of research as to what strategy game enthusiasts would like to see in video games.
Any type of game failing will be helpful of course, but I would like a focus on RPG's and Strategy Games. Stories not up to snuff? Combat system just isn't doing it for you? Suggestions on how to succeed where current games fail is also helpful, as is specifics as to WHY you find that they fail.
For me:
I think that one thing no video game has ever struck me as successfully doing is making a Character/Unit creation system that is balanced, creates REAL diversity, and fun. Whether it be class or classless, really most character creation systems have maybe 6-10 REAL choices (crappy choices arent really choices no one who has any interest in being competitive would choose them).
As an example, look up almost every MMORPG out there, well as the Diablo series. Want to be a rogue? better put your points into 1 or 2 stats and pick the same 10 talents/skills if you want to be effective.
Maybe I can sum it up better this way: I want REAL diversity. I want choice! I want to be able to customize a character or choose from more than the same 3 units in a strategy game without being nearly crippled in viability.
/rant off.
Lets hear your opinions