Interesting point. Well I think Dom3 offers real diversity, expecially with CBM

(EDIT: llama ninjaed me this

Also there is a world of indie RPGs (like Avernum) to discover. They will not have the best graphics but often their devs put the souls in those so they often offer much more than the usual Oblivion-kind's choice between big armoured guy or slim magic guy (but hey, with shiny graphics

If I would love to see something in the PC gaming world, would be more team tactical games. While I enjoy many kinds of games, to me the *real* computer gaming is in games like Jagged Alliance 2, Silent Storm (which had a lot of potential but such poor design choices), and the UFO series (now Sombre will skin me alive

but at least they offer something this way). Little teams with specialized members, and turns to organize better ("the guy with the shotgun in the front; the sniper on top of the building; ok now the guy with the explosives blow that wall with dynamite and throw a mustard gas grenade in; you with the machinegun keep ready!" etc.).
But unfortunately really there isn't much of games like these