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Old February 2nd, 2009, 01:08 PM

Incabulos Incabulos is offline
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Default Re: map concept question

good point about the neighbours graphics.

Wellt he idea really is to have a map that had a single province easily accessible from anywhere on the map. I guess this could be done by having portal provinces around the map.

Also I didn't know it had to be two way. I had a fuzzy memory of having to assign a neighbour 'each way' but that memory is clearly faulty .

The idea doesn't work so well with two way travel. ah well.

The idea was having a VP province as above that you had to hold to win. Extend the holding period more than usual and have to constantly stave off assault. was just an idea that popped in my head from the blood game thread. Seems like it won't really work though or wouldn't be all that different from other VP games.
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