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Old February 2nd, 2009, 10:26 PM

VedalkenBear VedalkenBear is offline
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Default Re: Mod in Progress: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells

Just today reading the Astrapelagist's description in Bogarus gave me an idea for a spell.

Twice-Blasted Curse
Range: 30+
Damage: 5+ AN Lightning damage
Secondaryeffectalways: Curse

More or less, a less-powerful lightning bolt that also curses the target.

Edit: Hrm. I see that we already have an A/S spell. Perhaps the Anger of God, to mimic Wrath of God (global), should be moved to S/A? Or I can change this up:

Twice-Blasted Curse
Range: 30+
Effect: Curse (MR negates)
SecondaryEffect: 3 AN lightning damage

Also, for underwater...

Crushing Pressure
Range: 35+
AoE: 1+
Damage: 12
SecondaryEffect: Fear(0)

Basically, a 'normal damage' attack that can also do Fear, only allowed underwater. Should be extremely effective against common underwater chaff.

Edit2: Oh yes, and I see in the original post we have a "Fall Winds" spell, and an "Autumn Winds" spell. Shouldn't the healing one be "Spring Winds"?

Last edited by VedalkenBear; February 2nd, 2009 at 10:34 PM..
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