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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:14 PM

Lt. Ketch Lt. Ketch is offline
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Default Re: Pbem vs AI . . In what mode is most of your time spent playing?

Thank you for your conforting words and advice. I understand that the poeple who play online are all basicly good and friendly. I've come to know some of you by reading AARs, posts and the like here.

In regards to the benefits of online play, I don't think I have to play in order to enjoy all of them. I get excited when I think of what we have in SPWW2. A community of scholars, tacticsions and wargamers covering the world and sharing victories and defeats of all kinds. I am amazed at the level of research that has gone into a game that I picked up as a kid of tweleve (I was even worse then) and the level of devotion and passion that people have for it. I am trilled to be involved, even if just as a reader and small time participant, in such an undertaking.

The study of war is not the morbid passtime that many may think it is, but the study of stratagy, courage, determination, sacrifice, loss and victory. We look for honor in defeat, virtue in the depraved and civility in conflict. Yes, war is about winning, but victory at the price of humanity is empty. War is a great teacher that helps us to become better, whether it's make sure that the innocent are protected or to make sure that depravity and atrosities are abolished.

This has taken a serious turn, but I want all veterns of all countries of the world to know that I honor you. Let no man say that those that fight for their country or people do so to the shame of humanity. Thank you for what you have done.

That was a long way off the topic, but I wanted to let you all know how glad I am for the unity and community that is present here. I'm sure I work up the courage to jump into an online game against you, but until my life settles down a bit, my onlinegameaphobia wears down and I feel like my tactics are adaquate even for the newbies, I'll watch, read and enjoy from the sidelines for now. I make a good cheerleader.

"Charlie may be dancing the foxtrot, but I'm not going to stand around wearing a dress"

Howard Tayer
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