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Old February 3rd, 2009, 02:00 PM
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Default Re: Mod in Progress: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
I'm very happy to be the spelling and grammar man. PM me when you've got a draft for me to read, and I'll go through it.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by VedalkenBear View Post
Just today reading the Astrapelagist's description in Bogarus gave me an idea for a spell.

Twice-Blasted Curse
Range: 30+
Damage: 5+ AN Lightning damage
Secondaryeffectalways: Curse

More or less, a less-powerful lightning bolt that also curses the target.

Edit: Hrm. I see that we already have an A/S spell. Perhaps the Anger of God, to mimic Wrath of God (global), should be moved to S/A? Or I can change this up:

Twice-Blasted Curse
Range: 30+
Effect: Curse (MR negates)
SecondaryEffect: 3 AN lightning damage

Also, for underwater...

Crushing Pressure
Range: 35+
AoE: 1+
Damage: 12
SecondaryEffect: Fear(0)

Basically, a 'normal damage' attack that can also do Fear, only allowed underwater. Should be extremely effective against common underwater chaff.

Edit2: Oh yes, and I see in the original post we have a "Fall Winds" spell, and an "Autumn Winds" spell. Shouldn't the healing one be "Spring Winds"?
Unfortunately, I've done both A/S and S/A spell. But that could work as a S/F spell. I've added "Cursed by Flame" to the list.

I'll also change the spell in one minor way. I'll make the curse the major effect and the damage secondary. Thus the unit will get cursed first and the receive damage -> making him likely to receive afflictions. Synergy man, synergy!

I also added your UW combat spell, what could you explain the reason for air magic? I could see it as a pure water spell.
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