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Old February 3rd, 2009, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: Mod in Progress: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells

Originally Posted by VedalkenBear View Post
Err... isn't Astral Fire S/F? Do you really need another one? Synergy is all well and good, but balance is also rather useful at times. My second Twice-Blasted Curse was designed in the 'synergistic' way you propose. If you want something _really_ evil, you could do

Cursed Barb
Nbr of Effects: 1+
Range: 30+ (or so)
Damage: 15 + curse
Secondary Effect: Strong/Death Poison

If each 'tick' of poison damage has a separate chance of giving Afflictions, this could rack them up in no time.

The UW spell was originally designed to be the exact opposite of Sailor's Death; that is, fill the 'gills' of Aquatic troops with Air. That is why it would be AW. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to target just Aquatic troops, so the spell was reconcepted to use expanding air in water to create the same kind of shockwave that can occur on land (such as from lightning strikes).

Could it be just Water? Sure, but Water already has enough tricks for Underwater.
Cursed Barbs is a sweet idea, I like the way our dicussions seem to go. My orginal idea for N/S combo wouldn't have worked anyway.

That Air explanation is a bit of stretch, it would probably be better if I didn't have to explain the spells physics in the description test. Yeah, and you can't make a spell that targets only amphibians, you can only exclude them (like constructs).

Earthquake is resistable by def, I know that. But anyone know the number it tests against? I was thinking of making a "quicksand" spell for W/E that'd instakill and be resisted by def and wondering if it could be balanced.
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