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Old February 3rd, 2009, 05:44 PM

NKIcan NKIcan is offline
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Default Re: Off topic: How are games failing you?

Fallout was also not my genre of choice. An interesting game, but it played much too much like...Oblivion, morrowind, etc but the loot system and skill system wasnt as fun in my opinion. The V.A.T.S was a great idea though, I did like that.

As to innovation in gaming....Agreed with the FPS comments about gimmicky stuff (Oh look you can DEFY GRAVITY! im lookin at you, prey). But I'd also extend that to other game genres as well. They think they can trick us (and maybe they can, the majority of us) by making a formulaic game and throwing in one or two gimmicks and then call it Ground Breaking!

Formula isnt ALWAYS bad. If a system works for what you have in mind, no need to reinvent the wheel. Problem is, most of the formulas today are subpar and they can do much better. They just choose not to because they are risk adverse and want the product out ASAP.

Combat systems in MMORPGs and RPGs in general are the main offenders here.
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