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Old February 3rd, 2009, 06:11 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Off topic: How are games failing you?

Well being into Fall-out 3 and Oblivion both (and rating them both just below Baldurs Gate) I must say either leveling system has its benefits.

Unlike most I really LIKED that in Oblivion you always had a challange and it was never too much.
Then again I also like feeling like a god and killing critters in Fall-out 3 . Unlike Trumanator I must say I found Fall out 3 on the easy side the whole game through. Unless you roamed FAR outside the way the initial quests point you (I'm talking FAR out of the way) and just do stuff you encounter and kill whatever critter you encouter you should be leveling pretty fast and I was/am level 20 half way through the game. By the time I encountered my first death claws and enclave soldiers I could easily beat them. Sure some encounters with large groups of supermutants where though and sure I died from time to time but still pretty easy.
Another complaint I hear often is that in the end of both games you will have most stats maxed and however you started won't matter much. This is true, especially for fall out but I think it's intentional (so much stat books etc etc) and it doesn't bother me.
All in all I like the leveling in both games.

I must say I think both games have a lot of content though and I've not seen more in less graphical games (except BG) as has been said.

V.A.T.S. in Fallout made the game very very very very very easy. I Vats everything in sight and it dies

I like the very thought through DnD system more, baldurs gate turn based stuff I liked more too.. but you can hardly expect a comp game developed in a few years max to be equal to a system that has been around much longer.
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