Thread: Wishlist Modding shortlist
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 06:57 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

On the Wishlist are the monster modding commands

Those can allready be done with
#weapon 0
#armor "Nothing"

Including this in the next modding manual could be a simpler solution than including a new command (...don't know ...)

For side modding instead of the specific #summon command
#cast [commander type] ["Spell name" | Spell id]

might be not much harder and much more useful, because it would include scrying sides like the well of all waters and allow some new ideas (teleport gates).
-commander type would be -1 for "any commander" and 0 to 8 would be a mage of the according magic path numbered as usual.
(...Again, maybe it's not possible, maybe it is, don't know...)
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