Re: Off topic: How are games failing you?
Didn't really read thread that much so this is kinda off-topic, but I was really pleasantly surprised when I DLed Vampire: The Bloodlines- Masquerade. Graphics weren't really too great, but you can tell that they really tried to do as much as possible with what they had. Pretty decent storyline, and the devs make playing a vampire as fun as it should be. Anyways just figured I should mention it because really the only two games I play now are WoW and Dom3, but that game stuck out to me.
Also on a side note, alchemy in Oblivion and just Oblivion in general rocks my socks. I had a level 48 warrior-build with everything maxed cept for my speechcraft which I just used as a filler and I just couldn't ever die, even with minimal potion usage. It's actually what made me stop playing the game as my character just didn't ever die and it got boring. I kinda disagree with the poster above me because I think it's the challenge that developing your charactter brings that made the game so fun. I do have to say that I liked Elder Scrolls better than Oblivion though; there was just so much more diversity and a much better storyline.
Anyways, just my 2 cents
Felt kinda guilty about posting without even touching upon the OP's topic. FOr my ideal game, I'd take different aspects from some of our best games today. I'd take the brilliant city design of Grand Theft Auto 4 and apply it in a fantasy environment, creating a virtual world with the intricacies of GTA, but with the epic scope of the Morrowind Elder Scrolls game. I'd take the poor, but honest attempts at social functions of Fable 2/3 and polish them up so they're actually effective and throw that in there too. I'll have to say Elder Scrolls 3 had an awful combat system and Oblivion truly wasn't that much better even though I love Oblivion. I'd take maybe the easy to use combat interface of WoW and combine it with the intensity of Halo or maybe Call of Duty 4. Bring in the kind of epic storyline that made Mass Effect amazing and throw in a character creation system that isn't the run of the mill "Pick Class here" thing that you see everywhere else. Personally, I'd have your own actions in game determine your "class," but that's something that I'd just like to see, it'll probably never really happen. ANyways, I'm done now- I gotta wake up entirely too early to be posting randomly on these forums
Last edited by Cadel; February 4th, 2009 at 03:00 AM..
Reason: more to say ;p