Thread: Modding idea
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Old February 6th, 2009, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: Modding idea

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
If it wasn't such a hassle creating a nation I'd really consider making a very powerfull nation for dom 3K and create an unconnected province somewhere (it wouldn't be invisible though since the castle or troops can't be hidden) but as it is if I create a nation it needs to be in the game.
Maybe use "enter to summon" magic sites and no castle.

Or I think there might be a blank in the castle list. Maybe try castle 0.

I could severly upgrade my dragons in a seperate mod though and have them come into a game halfway to destroy civilization. (only MP since a sort of GM needs to play the invading nation.)
If you assign them to one of the "Special Monsters" nations then they get the benefits of AI while blending with independents.

If you made their "god" their transport device then "slept" it then it would only appear much later. Or have it a "growing" god like the Eater of hte Dead so that it would only break loose later.

Not sure if any of that would work of course, just brain storming.
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