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Old February 7th, 2009, 04:22 AM
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Default Re: Mod in Progress: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
Steamvault: Creating steam in UW would likely create a hot air bubble and that damages opponents, but why does it give Haste? I like the concept, thought. A damage spell that buff's opponents if they manage to survive. You have given me a lot to ponder..

---> wouldnt'it be more like a self buff that damages.. 2 damage isn't that much.. haste would be worth that I think especially underwater with out ranged combat. I'd not use that spell on the enemy I think (script the effect switched around or they might cast it as a damage spell.. (no idea how the AI works with spell like this though..))
With 2+ damage and AoE 2+? So that the more skilled mage you have the more likely this "buff" spell is to kill your own troops? I'm not sure I agree.

The AI working on spells is pretty straightforward. It reads the main spell code and figures out on that what the spell does. It does not care what the nextspells do. If I have a damage spell that has #nextspell buff, the will think that it's a pure damage spell. If I have a buff spell that has damage spell as #nextspell, the AI will think of it as a buff spell. That's why these spells need to cost gems, so that the AI doesn't cast a buff-damage spell over and over on your troops, killing them.

It's quite annoying really. I'm not really limited by the modding tools, they're quite excellent. The casting AI is my worst enemy on this project. For Example, let's take "Enforce Natural Order" a "Dust to Dust"-type spell that damages also Demons and Magical Beings. Should be easy, right? Brrrrr, wrong answer! Since you can't make a spell that targets Only Undead, Only Demons and Only Magical Beings you need to nextspell 3 effects. But the AI will only target based on the first one! If I make the demonsmiting spell first, the AI will refuse to cast it if the enemy army has no demons to target (even if there are like over 1000 undead). What I have now is a makeshift workaround, until I figure out something better. I'm thinking of making it battlefield wide (affecting like 5-10% of squares in the battlefield).

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
Hey you know what I think would be nice. A spell to give ALL units (yours and enemy all BF) high strenght, high armor and high att, def (is that possible?) so all troops will be more equal (stoneskin sort of caps in the end) ti will end up in a massacre where elites aren't as elite anymore will be fun. Also SC would be hurt more easily and be less important for that battle at least.

A high end fire earth spell I'd say.
Yeah, spells to make chaff more useful could be nice, that's why I try to keep my buff AoE's as large as possible. But this mod is about those A1N2S1 mages who have really don't anything more to contribute in combat than a N2 mage. High end spells with high path reguiements won't help them.

But that's a nice mechanic, I'll also make the buffs MR negates (so that those pisky elites, mages and SC's would be rarely affected, Long live Cavemen!). Now I just need a theme. Why/How would all the soldiers in the battlefield be buffed?
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