Re: Nation: Sirius
I gave this a whirl yesterday, and here are my thoughts. I played with E9N4 imprisoned cyclops with Ord3,Prod3,Death3,MisFort 2 and Magic 1.
1) The sprites are pretty good, but there some things in them that bother me. They seem a bit one-colored, especially the skin. Perhaps you could shade them a bit more? I'm not too fond of the "lighting sword" effect you use on the.. well, lighting sword wielding guys. It just doesn't stand out from a far and close up it seems like a some random pixels. Lighting is hard thought, I had the same problem a year back. I copied the thunder effect from the lighting wielding Tartarian. See the attachment on how I did it. But you know, these things are always relative ("beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and so forth).
2) Are you sure that you the right flysprite on the Raiders throwing axes? Those things are massive!
3) Your Sacreds are awesome. E9 bless means that they can never fatigue out themselves and improves their prot too! Combined with the regen from N4, I really had very few casualties when expanding. I don't think that they're broken, though. Being capital only and considering the lack of mighty magics in this nation, they're probably okay. It's just that bless nation isn't really intresting in SP, since the AI doesn't counter them in any way.
4) Why Zeothicer only cost 11 resources with all that magical gear? These are also very good, instant thugs really - Blessing (withE9N4 bless), Mistform, Mirror Image or Iron Skin (if got E pick), hold, hold attack archers. With those commands, I was able to solo provinces, perhaps a dat too good for 280 gold commander? I'd reduce the awe to +0 ,at least.
5) Why do Vulcanmages have stealth? It's not really explained in the description.
6) I think you might have gone a bit overboard with this "few magic"-theme. Max paths F2/E1/A3 on nationals. That's weaker than Ulm (F2,E3,A1,S1), and thay have those sweet Iron Angels and Iron Blizzards. Perhaps add 10% randoms on some mages? Some national combat spells?
7) You should run those descriptions through a spell-checker. Lots of typos. Is the "Heros" spelling intentional? The plural of "Hero" is "Heroes".
My overall thoughts:
Guite okay nation mod, when I think about it. You have a diamond there, you just have to polish it a bit more. The theme of flying samurais is quite nice and the national flag is way beyond awesome, it really encompasses the Steel & Lightning theme. The troop selection is small, but large enough. It's just that I don't see much options when playing this nation. Either go for bless on Sothic Saints or use javeling/axe throwing infantry + archers with Wind Guide + Flaming Arrows. Those won't really cut it in the late game.
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