It seems that I'm somehow unable to edit my previous post, hence a new one with few things to say. Does the new forum somehow limit editing?
Originally Posted by Maraxus
The spell modding was a thing of compromises again. I added two cross-path attack spells, one Fire/Lighning combination and a long range assasin spell. But overall, I'm content with that now.
I've come to know a thing or two about spell modding through my SPCS project. If you have a problem with spell modding, just contact me with details, I'd more than glad to help (if I'm able). I also have few ideas I wasn't able to fit in CPCS, so I'll bounce them here.
- Blessing of the Vulcan Winds: A/F a buff spell makes hot volcanic winds blow around friendly troops, protecting them from enemy missiles, guiding their own missiles and lighting them aflame once send towards target. (in game speak: Wind Guide + Air Shield + Flaming Arrows on small Aoe, perhaps?)
- Wild Cyclone: Pure A national evocation. A wild tornado comes and lifts some opposing soldiers up in the air and drops them on the battlefield again. (high physical damage and "blinks" targets, AoE 1?)
Also, you don't seem to have #explspr for the "sparks" secondaryeffect on the lighting swords. Don't know if that's intentional, but I was kinda expecting some blingbling when using them. I've mapped a healthy portion of the explsprites, so may be as Blunt as to suggest explspr 10065 (few falling blue transparent colors).
Originally Posted by Maraxus
But then there was the "Avatar of the Vulcan" Pretender, who's first design idea was to be bound to the Vulcan in a bad way, too. Copying the Blood Lord seam to work but sadly I had to realise, that in fact the pretender lost a part of his HP every round in any province. What suprises me, because the starting commanders do have your capitol as home province, while the pretender has none.
You could totally work on that. That's a unique theme, pretender that's doomed to die, but will rise again from the ashes. Sweet merciful Phoenix!
I kinda had a idea that might solve two "problems" in one strike. The lack of paths and units. Tengus. You have the paths for them, you have a sort of oriental theme of Zen swordsmen. They could have same ancestry, but have grown apart, Tengu are wild, carefree and playful, the little brother of the family. While Sirius are stoic, cold and completely dedicated on swordsmanship, the older brother, sort to speak. They might not live together, but have a sort of alliance to protect their mountain homes. Summonable tengu commander could open up minor nature on magic paths. They probably wouldn't consider Tengus sacred, but it's not hard to #newmonster a tengu that's not sacred. DOn't know if you had anything like this planned or if it's on the line with your idea of the nation, but I'm just bouncing ideas around.