Originally Posted by Aezeal
hmmm that one is nice too.. but berserk would make sure one army would be gone in the end.. and that is fun  .. maybe berserk but with MR negates then.. so you loose some of your mages but the other still do something. And lets be fair with spells like MoD, SHimmering fields, MASTER ENSLAVE, undead mastery etc etc you can't really call any army killing spell overpowered... this one will hurt your army too remember.
btw your spell is also very powerfull and having that as midrange spell will still be.. game changing.. late game too, only now it starts earlier  This because you can easily make and army that takes full benefit of it (and it will be cheap) when opponents will only get 50% or less benefit... at least my idea was less about buffing yourself 
Yeah, I made it bit less good. It now covers only 25% of the battlefield.
X2 ---------- 3S1N: Blessings to the Meek: The caster calls for the god of fortune to meddle with outcome of the battle. She will bless some troops on the battlefield by powerful astral protections and the ability to always strike on the opponents weak spot. The caster has no power over who the Fortuna decides to bless, but she is known to take liking to helping the meek underdogs to prevail against powerful foes. (Affects both enemy and opponent, costs a gem, MR easily negates, gives Astral Weapons (all weapons get AN), and Luck)
Alt lev 6, Fat:100 (1 gem), AoE: 25% of the battlefield, MR++, UW+
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Aezeal: You have hit exactly on what I was trying to illustrate: specifically, that Steamvault can be either a buff or a debuff depending on what you need.
Actually, that's not possible.
The AI working on spells is pretty straightforward. It reads the main spell code and figures out on that what the spell does. It does not care what the nextspells do. If I have a damage spell that has #nextspell buff, the will think that it's a pure damage spell. If I have a buff spell that has damage spell as #nextspell, the AI will think of it as a buff spell.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Quickening Venom
Range: 20+
AoE: 5+
Effect: Cloud that grants Quickness to those within it.
SecondaryEffect: Poison (Probably at least Strong)
That is very good idea. Nice theme and mechanic. I have a N/W spell already, thought. Screw that. I'm making this, I hereby evoke the master rule of Awesome!*
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Shocking Rage
Effect: Whole Battlefield, every unit gains Berserk(+2)
SecondaryEffect: Battlefield-wide 1 AN lightning damage.
Global berserking is kinda covered by that N spell. Besides I already have N/A spell.
* = Master rule of awesome can break all other rules in the name of awesome
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