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Old February 8th, 2009, 03:35 PM
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archaeolept archaeolept is offline
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Default Re: Cost efficient blood hunting

a calculation as to your gut feeling? No.

it's pretty clear looking at the numbers for 1 lvl 0 hunter, there were 12 successes w/out the rod (out of 100) and ony 4 successes w/ the rod - when one would expect 10 hits, both of those are quite w/in normal expectations. The rod should not be affecting the chance of getting a result in the first place, and there has been no real reason to question this from these numbers.

the results w/ 2 sdr wielding lvl 0's were unlucky, and the results w/ 3 were about what one would expect.

but, if you wish to believe that giving level 0 blood hunters a useless item is harmful, feel free to not give them the useless item
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