Westwood was one of the best studios ever. It's frustrating, as they're my only favorite game designers that I have had little luck tracking down, as to what projects they are involved with now. One game in particular that I never hear mentioned, Mars Saga, was revolutionary at the time, with turn based combat where you script your party, and then the combat round plays out in "real time". It did this with AOE/cone effect weapons and semi-realistic explosions - on the Commodore 64.
Originally Posted by NKIcan
Also, Ive heard good things about Dreamfall: The longest Journey. How puzzle intensive is it?
Not very, it's nothing like Myst or anything like that, that's for sure. There was one somewhat frustrating sequence involving some pylons spread out in a small maze, with this freaky troll thing that would kill you in one strike. Outwitting the beasty was much more a puzzle than the other part.

And there was one very minor puzzle I had to look up a walkthrough for, only to find it involved an aural cue, and I had my sound very very low while playing at night.

The story is amazing though, and much of the dialogue is pure genius. Seriously, if you like a good fantasy story, it's hard to go wrong with it. Just, be prepared to feel like crying at the end.