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Old February 9th, 2009, 01:54 PM
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Default Re: Cost efficient blood hunting

Originally Posted by Tmoe View Post
Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
It's funny, with Lanka, I always use Kala-Mukhas for my hunters, as there are so many uses for the 75% that don't get their Blood pick.
I didn't quite understand what you meant with the term Blood pick and why Kala-mukhas would be better? I would assume Raktapata is the natural blood hunter choice for Lanka since they get the most out of the SDR and have the best slave/upkeep ratio.
Because the Kala-Mukha is 1B + 1NDB. I like the 2B as Blood Hunters, because then I can use them freely, without reliance on the SDR. Since they can reanimate, they can remote search Death, they Preach well as H2, and they get useful minor forging options (always need Bags of Wine!), I feel they are worth the investment. And I forgot it's 33% that get B2, so really they're a good option, depending on how you like to use them.

Also, you can shift to 2 B2+SDR per province, or do a little patrolling, and really start to milk your efficiency. At a certain point, Lanka is happy with enough gold to buy 1 Raksharaja and X Palankashas per turn, as long as you can pull in enough slaves to destroy your foe.
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