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Old February 11th, 2009, 02:52 AM

Deadnature Deadnature is offline
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Default Re: Doedicurus - Introductory CBM (PBEM, Llamaserver) - Upload Pretenders :)

Don't trust the hated people of Man!

The Monkey-People, in our desperate time of need, facing two large invasions from powerful enemies, paid Man handsomely to "attack C'tis."

The price was devastating: 2500 gold, and 50 gems(!!) The White Ones had to melt down and mint all of their prized golden bananas. A scam-lottery was held among the Markatas, and many other means were pursued to raise the funds...anything to save the Monkey-Kingdom.

And what did the "noble" kingdom of Man do? They canceled their NAP3 with C'tis, and then tried to extort money from them. NO ATTACK WAS EVER MADE.

Our White One-Diplomats were very clear, "attack" was the verb used in our negotiations. "Attack" was the word used by Man in response. Not, "cancel your NAP and do nothing." Don't trust Man....

- The Monkey People
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