The MapGen thread is here.
It has nice extra features such as offering to heavily annotate the .map file. And it does great wrappable maps. And the layouts are very different than any other mapgen Ive seen which makes for a nice change. The strange shapes can create strategically important provinces which are great for solo play.
It almost impossible to generate a map acceptable for multiplay due to those strange province shapes. At the moment it only does those "political" looking maps so I would consider it mostly useful to create a map template for anyone who is more into graphic programs than word programs. It does much of the hard work if someone wants to fill them in with some nice eye-candy.
I have generated some batches at my site.
and if anyone wants to snag one to modify then just let me know which one you grab. I will remove it from the server to give you exclusive rights to it.
This is WAY different than any other mapgen Ive used. Even the generators in GIMP were easier to figure out. So many of the commands in this program interact with other commands using formulas I cant understand.
Here is a fairly decent result.
I was asked to generate 900 province maps. After much effort I found the right sets of commands to get decent results but I still had to generate a hundred maps and hope for a few good ones.
But changing one thing, such as size or prov number, throws it all off and you have to start over tweaking all of the commands. It will take someone far more analytical than I to learn how to use this progam well at this stage of its development IMHO. I offer my crappy notes and scripts to anyone who wants to take a stab at it.
The screenshots with sprites are his next stage. The program which includes the sprite-fill commands are not in the program version we can get.