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Old February 14th, 2009, 11:04 PM
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JimMorrison JimMorrison is offline
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Default Re: Off topic: How are games failing you?

If you like FPS, and you seem to, TimeShift is an often overlooked title that I really enjoyed. At first glance it's very "gimicky" in that "oh yay I can stop time" sort of way, but it is really well implemented, and while there are many little puzzles that you have to alter time to complete, you are also left wide open to use your time powers in combat, and you can (sometimes totally accidentally!) create some very incredibly amazing effects.

To be honest, when you talk about "recent games", and not the blockbuster titles like Fallout3, or BioShock, or Crysis..... Most that I've tried, really did not hold my interest for long, either from being totally bland, or from gaping wide design flaws. God I'm glad I get most of mine used..... Sword of the Stars for example, I barely got my $10 worth, I would have been PISSED if I had paid full price for it - but same goes for most games. Even Fallout3 we bought new, but my roomie and I split it, cause I can't shell out $60 for a game (cept Dominions, we had to buy 2 copies to get unique CD keys ).
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