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Old February 15th, 2009, 10:52 PM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default Re: Brazen Benevolence (Bronze Armors)

Originally Posted by Scarlioni View Post
Bronze is made from copper and tin with some arsenic thrown in. In fact copper was alloyed with arsenic before tin. I believe this was because arsenic appeared naturally in/near the early copper exploitation.
Early bronze was arsenic bronze. However, alloying copper with tin produces harder armor, and I think it was this alloy which was used for armoring after it was developed.

Originally Posted by Scarlioni View Post
Bronze also enjoys the advantage of being able to be cast, and your forge doenst need to be as hot. In Dominions 3 terms I would think Bronze would be more expensive than iron because of the need fot imports, but would cost fewer resources due to the casting process.
Well, you can cast iron too; that's what "cast iron" is.

In the readme with this mod, there is a brief musing about whether resource gathering costs should be considered as part of the rcost or not. If one wants to consider them, then that could lead down a slippery slope about whether the cost of making the chain for chain mail is being properly accounted for...

For me, the question is whether forging iron or casting bronze is cheaper, and whether this should be reflected in any rcost changes for bronze armors. Game play considerations also enter the picture, and one can probably rationalize adjustments in whatever manner necessary to satisfy them. (I.e., one can find a way to justify penalizing something if it starts to seem too good.)
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