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Old February 15th, 2009, 11:42 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Off topic: How are games failing you?

Space Dolphins forever! I only tried the hivers once or twice briefly, never finished a game with them. I realized recently (yesterday) just how horribly incorrect I was playing them the same way I played the Liir, but with gate ships. The Liir pretty much perfectly fit my natural playstyle tendencies, the Hivers, not so much.

God fart torpedo, huh? The Zuul certainly sound like absolute jerks, leaving them disabled sounds like a good idea to me. I would say play as them to exact retribution, but they also don't completely sound like the most fun to play. I certainly would be terrible with them. I actually am somewhat wanting to play SotS also, and Rebellion! But I only have so many brain cells I can devote to games that require lots of thinking at once and dominions is pretty much maxing me out right now. Maybe when I'm done with most of my multiplayer games, but I'm not so sure that's happening any time soon....
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