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Old February 17th, 2009, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: CPCS - v0.3 is out!

Originally Posted by VedalkenBear View Post
In the end, I am not pushing for this spell. I'm simply illustrating the possibilities, and noting that the current late-game paradigm is dominant to the point of paralyzing the player base. Is this really healthy?
That's where we disagree. Yes, people push for late game power, and that power largely supplants the early game power. Rendering many late game options unusable, and forcing a return to early game techniques does not actually create anything, it just removes something that is demonstrably better than what it replaced, forcing reversion to the initial form.

I think that (myself included) more people would simply refuse to play in a game that had that spell available, than would jump for joy because it was there.

I simply cannot see any reason that it makes the game more fun to remove the MR check. If it were MR-resists, it is technically comparable in overall usefulness to Enslave Mind - a spell that is considered extraordinarily powerful in the game currently.

Another interesting idea, would be if it were a battlefield summons spell (can't have too many of those!), that created some "Spectral Archers" or some such, who came equipped with Bow of Botulf. Then you can fling around a bunch of Feeblemind, but it's not as directed or focused. I think this option would still be very potent, without making the most powerful endgame options suddenly completely worthless.
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