Re: Asia Twist - PBEM
Dragonfire I have not mentioned you/Arco in any post I have made. You did very well annoying me on my sourthern flank, when all my other opponents had to come at me from the east. Also, your fully kitted out cyclops pretender was dangerous.
Btw, by horror marking one of my Hall of Fame Adon's, Debir very badly. He got attacked by the doom horror Hunter of Heros the next turn. Debir was very nearly a hero but sadly not quite. He managed to reduce the Hunter of Heros to 25 hps, one blow away from killing him, when Debirs soul was ripped from his body.
@Pan - If you really don't care, then why do you keep refusing to engage my last few remaining giants when I clearly give you opportunity to do so! You and your allies only out number me 1,000's to 1, surely you don't expect me to give up my defender advantage as well?!? Are you a fearsome Pan or a mouse?