Re: EA Ulm - Flying Conans of Doom
But I like axes!!!
That is Forrest Warriors in combination with archers (The better armor is useful on friendly fire), or the cheap 10 gold axe warriors, that are stealthy and fast like the maidens...
A quiz. What is that: "13 - 11 - 9 - ouch - arg - owww"?
Correct, it's a Niefel Giant's defence dropping before the ugly 19 damage attacks finally cut him somewhat more efficient then the 16 damage attacks by the Steel Maidens. And that is after they have thrown their Axes ... Which are not sooo good sadly. 12 range and 6 effective precission is very close to a 90° cone in front of them and the usual situations for them will likely mean that you can't affort an air2 guy for them (don't forget that only 1/32 of your warrior smiths have that and you will want to recruit some Shamans, too. And the 1/32 A2 guys are also needed for Auspecs and some forging).
But the point about Axe warriors is still, that they are so cheap and can inflict so much damage against big or defence-weak troops, they are the perfect calculated casualties. Abysia? Niefelheim? Agartha? These guys are the best choise.
And as far as I see it, they are also the best choise against tramplers, althought in this case, I'd say they are the best of many bad choises.
Do you have a better idea?
1 Arcos Chariot against what:
1.8 Steel Warriors
3.2 Steel Maidens
4.5 Axe Warriors
0.24 Shamans (minus whatever the equipment might be worth)
Okay, the best might be some shamans /antlered shamans casting Earth Meld plus whatever troop you choose - but still what might that be?