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Old February 22nd, 2009, 02:10 PM
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Burnsaber Burnsaber is offline
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Default On the verge of major update

I'm planning on doing a major update on Alugra. It seems that I have 72 downloads, so I guess someone cares? If someone has suggestions or wants something improved now is your chance to speak up.

The update will be mostly changes on excisting units, since my year in military service gave me much needed distance from this mod. With distance came objectivity and I was able to give "my baby" a critical look it needed.

- Biggest change will likely be changing the Gifted picks. Smiths/Watchmen/Villains and Fishermen have 12% chance to have 3 in one of their paths and this is dat too much. Since you have diversity, you must pay for it. In the next update these gifted will have 2 in both of their main paths and 50% chance for astral pick.

-I'm also adding a new unit, since I noticed a thematic hole in the nation. Are really all gifted one of these? What about Jack the cobbler and Hanz the Slaughterman. I'm unable to take screenshots on this stupid laptop, but I'll attach the graphics to this post and give away their description:
"Workers, Librarians, Watchmen, Villains, Smiths, Gamblers and Fishermen. They are the 'Seven of Alugra', the most powerful of the gifted. However, there are numereous lesser gifted. They possess great strenght, dexterity and superhuman senses like the seven, but lack their other special abilities. Masters very rarely train them and they thus lack presentation in the forum of the gifted. Throughout the ages, many have left Alugra because of this fact and made a great living amongst regular mortals. As Alugra is now expanding territories in the name of the awakening god, these foreign gifted are conscripted to military service. Their high strenght and great eyesight make them naturally deadly javelineers and they are also trained and equipped to handle themselves in melee. Most of them are quite alienated with the gifted society and lack the motivation to fight to the bitter end in the battlefield."

Gameplay-wise, they're elite heavy infantry. gold cost about 25 and res cost 17. Fights with javelin and morningstar.

The national combat spells will see lots of changing too. I was heavily restricted by the fact of not having #nextspell available back then and was forced to compromise away from my orginal vision.

- Use Inner Reservers" will be a lot more instresting. I originally intended it to be used to clear spell fatigue after buffing on your gifted thugs (I want to encourage using gifted as thugs, since it is thematic. Superheroism is about punching opponent into the face, not casting fireballs over and over again). But it seems that the casting AI uses it a lot to clear combat spell fatigue too. I'll change it to heal all fatigue and all damage, but it will blink you. Let that sink in for a while. I'll use a bit of #nextspelling to make casting AI unable to cast it unscripted.
- I'll change the "Use XX Power" line of spells to affect only magic units and try to make them especially suited to buffing the gifted unit with access to that path combo.
- The national GoR, "Power Within" will be changed to magical units only.

I'll do some thematic changes. I'll switch names of several existing astral sites to something "leyline" themed.
I'll add some uncommon magic sites with Alugra theme.
-Forgotten Outpost, blood 1, recruit: Minion, Minion
-Change the "Villain Lair" into "Criminal Hideout", recruit: Villain (the vanilla one), Thug.

-I'll also add one new "Alugran" magic item, "Gambler's Dagger", a astral 1 to forge level 2 construction item which gives the "lucky dagger" attack of the gamblers.

- I'll now use the CBM units as measuring sticks for balance. It seems to me that CBM has become the new vanilla. Thus I need to review the balance measures. I'll be using simple and inaccurate "cons vs pros" system. It's basically just a guideline. Since I have my notes here on my computer, I'll just post them.

Minion(bow) vs Bakemono Archer(EA Yomi)

-= costs 1 more gold
0= less prot(-4), but more morale (3)
+= More mr(1) and less encumberance (-1)
+= More Str(1) and Def(1)
--= Less Prec(-2)
+= More stealth(+5) and battlefield move (12)
-= no survival skills and darkvision
-= dagger better than claw
+0?= size doesn't really matter for ranged units.

End result -1. Minor beefing? I was thinking of giving them afflictions (being horrible mutants and all) and reducing mr (they have been highly affected by magical athmosphere so are likely less magic resistant than ordinary folk) and buffing them up in elsewhere. More prot and morale could be thematic and perhaps some mutantic poison resistance?

Thug vs Axe Warrior(EA ULM)
++=same gold cost, but needs less resources(-6)
-=Less hp(-2) and prot(-2)
0= Less morale(-2), but more MR (+2), same encumberance
--=Less str(-1) and less att(-3)
0= Same def and stealth
-= no frost resistance
-= no survival skills
-= No thrown weapons
-= axes better that club and kick

End result -4. Ouch. I'll probably bump their base def and att back to 10 and I was thinking of making a new attack "Tricks of the Street", basically a kick (dam0, att0, def0, lenght0)with secondaryeffect "kick while he's down!", basically another kick. So if the "trick" attack hits, they get a another hit in automatically. dam 11 attacks aren't really scary, but if the opponent has accumulated fatigue, critical hits will happen.

Minion(shield) vs Warrior(EA Ulm)
++=same gold cost, but needs less resources(-6)
-=Less hp(-1) and prot(-4)
+=More MR(+3), but less morale(-1)
--=Less str(-1), less attack(-3)
++=more def(1) and shield blocks missiles
0= no frost res but more stealthy(+5)
-= no survival skills and less battlefield move
--= Axe & Broadsword >> Claw & Bite

End result -1. I'm probably bumping their natural prot a bit. If I change bowed minions with affliction chance and reduced mr, I'll probably give these guys berserk. "These higly mutated minions are mostly insane and aggressive, but they all still have dreams of being human, having friends, handling objects, being able to speak. But every time wake up as they are. Their jealosy and hatred allows them to fly into a berserk rage.

Ungifted Slinger vs Slinger(EA Ermor and Arco)
-=same gold cost but need (2) more resources.
0= same prot, str and attack
-= less def(-1) and battlefield move
++= more morale(+2)

End result +0.

Ungifted spearman vs Sauromatian Amazon (the same thing basically apply to the morningstar version)
0=same gold cost and needs only 1 resource more
0=same hit points,prot,mr,encumberance and str
-= less morale (-2)
-= less attack (-1)
-= less def (-2)
+= Long spear < spear

End result -2. This is kinda ok, since they're kinda supposed to suck. I'll bump their MR by 2, thought. These people are unaffected by the magical atmosphere and have likely higher mr than "normal" people.

Gifted vs Pricipe
--= Same resource but need more gold (7)
0= higher prot(2) but less morale(-2)
++= more MR(2) and less enc(-2)
++= more str(3)
+=more att(1)
--=less def(-4)
++= more prec(2) and more bf move(3)
-= Tower Shield blocks missiles better
-= magic being

End result +1. Since Pricipes are good units, I'll give these guys some minor nerfs.

Librarian vs Giboleth(EA R'lyeh)

0= same gold/res cost
-= Less hitpoints
-= Capital only
++++= not aquatic
-= Poorer weapons and prot
+= less str and att, but more MR, Prec and Def
-= No darkvision
+-?= smaller size (size doesn't really matter for ranged units)

End result +1. Since Gibolets and Mind Blasts are R'lyehs gizmo, needs weakening. R'lyeh should have *the* best blasters.

As commander:
+Research bonus,
+Diverse picks to get access to forging paths
-No leadership
-nonexistend Combat magic

OK, I guess? These will be mainly recruited early on to start your research/ search for magic sites, but researching won't win you the game. They simply blow as combat mages.

Worker vs Horite Champion(Hinnom)
--=7 higher gold cost
0=same hp
++=better prot(1), morale(2) and MR(1)
+=Less encumberance(-2)
+=Less str(-2), more att(1), more def(2)
-=No survival skills, no darkvision
-=Magic being & Capital only

End result +0. Could use a minor boost as Horites are not the hottest choices, probably MR to 10, str+1 and low shock res?. I don't really know if Horite Champion is actually a useable unit, it just might be overshadowed by the other options Hinnom has.

As Commander:
- Poor leader
- Size 3 and low MR
- Research Malus
++ Elemental path combat magic

Fisherman vs War Chambler(EA Atlantis)
----=11 higer cold cost + 6 more res cost
-=7 less hp
0=same prot and Enc
+=2 more MR
-=Less morale(-1) and str(-3)
+++=more attack(2) and def(3)
+=less size
0=more (battlefield) move but no darkvision
-=magic being
-=capital only

End result -1. Probably fine, since +=high Def and nets rule underwater

As commanders
+ Only one with water picks
+ amphibian

They have a gizmo and will be trained when it's necessary. OK.

Watchman vs Iron Crow(EA Caelum)

-----= costs 22 cold more and 1 less resource
++= 3 more prot and hp
+= 5 more morale
++= more MR(2) and less encumberance (2)
+= +1 str and def
+= Lighting attack
+= Standard
+= Lighting Immunity
+= Less size
-= Poison Vulnerability
-= Magic Being
-= Capitol Only

End Result 2+. I know, Iron Crow probably isn't the hottest unit in the game, but Watchmen own them completely. I'll probably scrap the Lighting attack, since it was mostly a gag on superman anyway, I've got their holy lighting as a national spell anyways. Lighting immunity is also a bit steep. Perhaps 75%?

As commanders:
+= Absolutely ridicilous leadership
--= Both of his paths can be supplied by other gifted
-= Air/Fire.. not the hottest path combo on earth. There's not even any cool items they could forge!

They could use help as commanders. Some cool #onebattlespell?

Smith vs ???

These guys are troubled right now. I changed their theme halfway in the development, and you can see it in their stats. Why they have base attack 12 and defense only 8? If they're unencumbered by their armor, why are they so slow? They are the best gifted unit by far and most recruited, as they are a resource sink. Besides str 21 is pretty excessive. 16 will get the image of superhero strenght through just as well. I'll change the theme that althought they don't really tire from wearing the iron skin, but the mass of it makes them slow. So here's what I'll do:

Base attack to 8(-4)
Base defense to 8 (+0)
Str to 18 (-3)
Enc to 3 (-2)
Mr to 13 (+1, to be in line with other gifted)
Now they're not going to hit any elite infantry, but they'll outlast them. I can see it now, some miraged fey folk dancing circles around them, but unable to penetrate the skin. The smith bides his time, waits for the opponent get tired and then BAM! 30 damage to the head! But anyone with AP or AN weapons will just humiliate them as they are unable to hit back.

As commanders
++= forge bonus (I'll reduce the forge bonus to 20. Forging is Ulm's thing and they shouldn't be as good as they are)
+= only ones with Earth
+= Earth/fire, best combat paths ever?
+= Earth/astral, Crystal coin & Gifts from heaven
-= no armor slot

It seems that I'll have to give them something to disencourage training them. I'll reduce their slots further. No helmet slot from now on. (no Astral Caps or Flame Helmets for you, suckers!

Villain vs ???
There's no unit to compare to. These guys have their own thing going on with this ethereal raider thing. I really have no idea why I gave them the "Physic Strangulation" attack, it's a beeping Darth Vader gag, that happens to be a unresistable counter against solo SC's. What was I smoking? Dirty Trick just tops it off and sends it to space on a rocket ship. Seriously, "Eyeloss"? These bad boys are getting overhauled!

- scrap "physic strangulation" and "Dirty trick", instead they'll get "Tricks of the Street" (see the thug entry)
- base def and att to 13(+1) (to represent their street fighting skills)
. mor to 8(-1) to make their weakness more clear.

As commanders
++= only ones with blood or death
+= Autosummon of minions
+= good leadership
+?= spy, but they're too valuable to be used as spies so this bonus kinda moot.

Something little to tone them down as commanders? Or buff others?

Gamblers vs ???

Anyone know any troops with AP throwing weapons? Anyone? These are so oddball, there's no one to compare to. They are quite effective against unshielded, high prot troops, actually, anything unshielded. "Strenght of Giant" these guys and there will be blood. But ammunition 5 hurts. In melee, these guys are like beefed up wolf tribes and won't be stopped by shields. But die nearly as easily as their wolven brothers. I like them, but I have a gripe with "lucky charm", I really don't like the "designer note" thing. It's just so inelegant and metagamish. I'll have to get rid of it. I'll probably give them low stealth to compensate "watchmen are always looking for these miscreants and have learned to lay low when the need arises". Glamour would be thematic, but there's no way I'm going to try to balance that.

As commanders
+-0= Feeling Lucky?
+= Prec 15 makes a nice sniper chassis, especially if they manage to get some air magic.
+= automatic "personal luck" is quite ok.

Well, it all comes down to luck. I've gotten some with awesome picks (W3S2D1) and some with S1. Thematic, me thinks.
Attached Files
File Type: rar Gifted.rar (1.8 KB, 115 views)
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Last edited by Burnsaber; February 22nd, 2009 at 02:20 PM..
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