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Old February 23rd, 2009, 03:43 PM
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Default Re: Countering Pangaea

Originally Posted by VedalkenBear View Post
Another option, if you have time, is to cripple his gold income. As Helheim, IIRC Blight is castable right out of the box.

Also, the production of the carrion beasts is based on the growth scale. If you have a way of 'messing with that', it would proactively cut down on the number of beasts you must defeat in combat.
Well I'd say one Pangaea playing the Carrion Woods' and maenads' route will likely not rely that much on gold (order etc) as it is doomed to end it for popkill, and more on Luck usually. Also carrion creatures and maenads don't cost upkeep so gold loss wouldn't cause much loss of troops to Pangaea.

The Carrion Woods' route depends on high dominion too (more dominion more beasts afaik), and all the best carrions'-recruiting places will have a temple, so trying to lower Pangaea's Growth dominion in such an environment could be difficult, expecially without inquisitors. Stone idols and blood sacrifices might help - maybe.


@ chris,
true afaik, Carrion Woods don't spawn undead commanders, but if Pangaea's gone for maenads it means they'll have a bunch of Pans with Blood which can provide leadership.

Last edited by Tifone; February 23rd, 2009 at 03:53 PM..
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