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Old February 23rd, 2009, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: Brazen Benevolence (Bronze Armors)

Originally Posted by analytic_kernel View Post
  1. EA: Late Bronze - Early Iron
  2. MA: Middle Iron (mostly iron and some early steel)
  3. LA: Late Iron (iron and decent steel)

These seem to fit the historical models from which the nations and units come - at least in my mind.
My two sense on the times and ages is thus, and granted this is just my reckoning, as I am only the most amateur of historians:

to my reckoning the myths and such encompassed by the early age come from a wide range of dates, ranging from the early Caananites(1000-700 BC) all the way through the height of the Roman Empire (100-300 AD) during this over 1000 year period most of the bronze age happened as well as a good bit of the iron age. The later ages get harder and easier to judge, while the evolution of such nations as Arcoscephale gets hard to pinpoint time wise, as things like the advent of Islam and the changes that had on culture never really occur, but for the European based nations it seems that the middle age is late roman through the dark ages and into the early middle ages, depending on the nation, (300 AD - 1100 AD), also during which there were a great many evolutions in different places at different times in smelting and the forging of armor and weapons, such as the invention of chain mail, heavy plate mails designed to withstand the blows of lances, new hardened leathers, and so on. The late age roughly corresponds to the late middle and early renaissance, assuming gunpowder was never invented. For example Marignon's sea captains are reminiscent of the early Portugese(spelling?) and Spanish explorers, and Bogarus is reminiscent of late medieval Russia and the trade cities of Novgorod and Muscovy. Overall I would say that the time periods of the ages are so disparate, that we should accept that the Dominions world is a fictional creation and leave off consideration of particular forging developments beyond this mods original intention to re balance between bronze and iron, taking for the early age consideration some point in history when both bronze and iron were in use, and thus I must arrive at a similar conclusion as analytic_kernel and trust his judgment to use the above mentioned historical points as references.
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