Originally Posted by LDiCesare
I'm currently sick with adomitis. I managed to beat NetHack several times, even with a tourist, but ADOM is just too hard for me. Yet. I somehow don't understand why Dwarf Fortress gets classified as roguelike. Sure, graphically it is, but to me it's a real time wait for your dwarves to do stuff. Lots of stuff, mind you, and lots of commands, but real time. There's a roguelike (rpg) mode somewhere I believe, but I never managed to get far enough to find it.
How to play ADOM on easy mode:
Play Wizard.
They will simply own everything in the late game and they have the best means of escape when in trouble: Teleport.
When you encounter a large stack enemies, zap them unitl your mana is nearly depleted, teleport and go somewhere safe to regenerate the mana. Then assault the survivors, teleport again, rince and repeat ad infitum.
Nothing in that game is completely immune to magic, Karmic dragons are annoying, but I've killed Ancient karmic wyrms with "Magic Missile".
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