Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Regarding Dwarf Fortress:
I've tried this game... I can't seem to get into it. Perhaps the learning curve is just too steep? Or maybe it is the too-open ended playing style. The text based graphics isn't an issue -- I've spent countless hours playing Moria and Angband. But there you have a clear play style (walk around and smack things) as well as clear objectives (pile up gold, items, and levels)
In dwarf fortress, I always get stumped by two questions, "what?" and "how?". Specifically, "What the heck am I supposed to be doing", and then "how the heck do I do it?" I tried building a farm, but I couldn't even figure out how to keep my poor mining dwarf from drowning when I opened the door, let alone how to plant seeds and grow anything.
The interface has to be improved. When I can tell my dwarves, "dig an underground farm here, and figure out how to irrigate and plant it yourselves", that's when I'll give it another swing.