Thread: Kailasa guide
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Old February 25th, 2009, 02:09 PM

Alpine Joe Alpine Joe is offline
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Default Re: Kailasa guide

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post

First of all, good job.

Second - have you looked at the other guide for kailasa, at all for tricks?

Actually my reason for writing this guide was that I wanted to play kailasa but the other guide simply doesn't work. Expanding early is very cumbersome, and your sacreds still have huge weaknesses. If you go imprisoned for a huge dual bless, you have trouble generating enough early research to get things to help you counter all of the sacreds weaknesses. A lot of the stuff late game seems pretty good. I agree that Rudras are very powerful as SC/Anti-Sc, and of course clamming is very important.

The thing is, even without a huge bless, your sacreds are still great troops. YOu can pay out the *** for a fire bless or something to make them better at attacking, but i think regular sacreds attacking something that has had armor destroyed by ironbane will do as much or more damage as fire blessed ones.

And fog warriors/marble warriors is far far better defense than twist fate and some MR and defense.

This build is all about the timeframe you are getting stuff.
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