Originally Posted by JimMorrison
Llama - that's the point, if Chris bundles his changes with all of CBM, there is no way to look at those changes. But much of this was stuff that Chris wanted to see in the full version of CBM, so since QM is very interested in what people want to see made more "balanced", it seems this would be a good aid to that communication process.
As far as the wolves go, I just figured that human history has shown us that 1 canine is superior to 1 man in hunting/tracking ability, in general terms. So I thought that was a nice change (even though odds of me personally using Wolves for anything in Dom3 <1%). Maybe that's not Chris' reasoning, but I thought it was good. 
It was exactly my reasoning. If you have wolves that are units (like any other unit) - you get to use the talents of they unit. Flying units fly, stealthy units stealth.
Wolves do have great noses, hence the small patrol ability.
Personally, I am not at all likely to use them either as is, but I might be *more* likely now. Honestly, I thought they needed a bigger boost - I mean many units have pbs of 10 or more - but I tend to want to err on the side of caution.