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Old February 28th, 2009, 01:54 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: ChrisCBM1.482

Rather than continue to hijaak a thread, I moved my response here; so the first points are not directly in answer to this thread.

First, I originally called it cCBM because I considered it a variation of what QM did and I wanted to give him credit.

I have discussed the mod a couple of times with QM; he said he did not mind me making the mod, but he and llama asked that I name it something else. Llama suggested ChrisCBM so that is what I did, per request.

As for advertising, you are right: I am trying to promote interest in the mod; and trying to get people to look at it and consider it as an option for games. But also to consider the changes, and the reasons for them.

For example the most recent changes are removing a lot of old age tags. But it was a minor point in a list of points that were otherwise quite topical to EA-Arcocephale.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As for this thread:

Interesting comment QM: Do you think the boost to giant nations is bigger than the boost to fire nations?

Also, Absolutely I will defer on the questions of version numbers. It would be funny to go back to version one, and cause confusion. How about I use 2.0 for the next one?
As for the name, at this point I would happily take suggestions.

I do like calling it a balance mod - for much the reasons you did originally. I don't like putting my name on it - it does seem like bragging. The only thing I can think of now is Balance2.0 but considering the firestorm of protest, I'm going to wait for comment.

Last edited by chrispedersen; February 28th, 2009 at 02:17 PM..
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