Originally Posted by llamabeast
Jim, I can't understand your point.
if Chris bundles his changes with all of CBM, there is no way to look at those changes... it seems this would be a good aid to that communication process.
Well some parts, like the Old Age, QM has a firm and understandable stance, and isn't going to change his mind.
Some other parts, are easily defined (bugfixes, etc).
It just seemed that some other changes, might be more easily conveyed by simply having the mod available, and saying "I tweaked this", and the actual mod could be skimmed over, and a greater level of detail conveyed more easily than describing it point by point - with the added benefit that the code is right there, so any snippets that QM chose to adopt could be copy/pasted over, and done.
But I was just adding that it is just one more reason that it makes more sense to have a separate mod that is compatible with CBM, rather than one that includes and is competitive with CBM.
So how about EBM (Enhanced Balance Mod) or BMP (Balance Mod Plus)? Since it's intended to use the whole of CBM, but has additional changes.....