Originally Posted by Loren
Again, the problem is that assassination is overall not an effective technique.
Maybe so, but this isn't about effectiveness of it, i'm saying it spoils the game. When you see someone not acting... it's just.. stupid!
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
If you change the scripting to have battlefield scripts and assassinations scripts - the balance shifts even *more* in the opposite direction.
I agree, don't do that. However exclude certain things from the list like I stated. It would prevent silly things from happening and making me wanna uninstall the bloody game

Originally Posted by Loren
In certain circles the moral is: surprise kills. And regardless of the mages rank and power, I should like there to be some possibility of them being assassinated.
Yeah, thats cool. But why make them "run" and die. Why don't you paralize them for a few turns in "fear" or something. At least then you see them getting stomped, I'd rather that then just running away or running towards with a ranged weapon.