Originally Posted by Ballbarian
Would there be any interest in an tool (written in python) to automate this process? I mean, to take a base map image, mirror it, center the central sets of province pixels, add the north/south pole graphic and mirror the map code (terrains, custom provinces, neighbors, etc)?
I don't think that maps done this way look very good. I'd rather use maps that have been made wrappable by smudging the edges by a human by hand, like DireAussie's maps.
Originally Posted by cleveland
The real hassle was reassigning all the neighbors, as Dom3's internal mapmaker did an abysmal job of that. If someone could come up with a better neighbor-finding algorithm, that would be immensely helpful.
I have a Python script that does find "sensible" neighbor connections for background images for maps, a lot more sensible than the approach by the Map Editor at least. I was about to make it do the same for wrapped maps, too, but then lost interest.

It requires Python and doesn't have a GUI, though!