Originally Posted by archaeolept
sorry? a lie? lol.
I had none of your lands when I offered that - you had been repelled from the mictlan lands and mictlan had them back. The status quo ante bellum was clearly that of before you attacked mictlan.
I'm afraid that's simply not true. You took from me many territories that Mictlan had no claim whatsoever to, including Java and the coastline on the mainland. Either you don't know what you're talking about, or you're running some sort of game here, I don't know. There's no denying the fact that you launched an unwarranted war of aggression, thus I'm not interested in discussing the matter any further.
Originally Posted by archaeolept
I had gained nothing, and I had no especial interest in pursuing a war with you. you insisted upon it, and claimed some sort of "defensive pact" w/ BL in order to get them to join what was clearly an offensive response, as I was not attacking your lands, and had said I had no interest in doing so. And now you get all emo about losing when it was you who had the strong ally and were looking to gangbang me.
how this was about you "eking out an existence in my shadow" i have no clue - we only had one province connected, I had gained no lands, and was going about my own business.
You're free to stick to your story for all I care, but it's pretty far removed from how the situation appeared to me. The defence pact was no excuse, but something that Pasha and I agreed on at the start of the game. You attacked, we struck back as best we could. As for getting "emo" - I don't see how that has anything to do with me taking all the last available chances to harm you. Losing with dignity is for chumps.
"From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
Originally Posted by archaeolept
And Pasha at least attacked and fought me.
True enough. None of the pieces really fell into place - Pasha was very slow to mobilize after your attack, I was too afraid to take any action before I had confirmed his support and was hardly prepared for war myself -- not to mention the fact that I had hardly any idea what I was doing. I don't think Pythium is really for me.
You crippled me so fast I hardly even noticed it happening, and by the time Pasha was ready to join the fight, I was already out of it. No denying it, you completely outplayed me. Of course this could have been avoided, or at least delayed, if I'd accepted your terms, but that's just not how I do things; there's no fun in that for me. Granted, although I knew it would be ugly going in, I didn't think things would go quite this badly, but there it is.
I doubt my empire is long for this world, but I'll keep fighting as best I can, if only to inconvenience you a little. And for the same reason, my inheritance is still promised to the one I believe is most likely to do you the greatest harm.
Man, that was wordier than I was planning to make it. Thanks to everyone for a good game!