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Old March 5th, 2009, 11:23 PM

karnoza karnoza is offline
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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Originally Posted by Slobby View Post
Another little tid bit for those players that have forgetten and for the new players that probably don't know.

The victory condition as outlined in the opening thread is to hold 6 capitals for 3 full turns.

Now it doesn't look like the victory condition is recorded via VP, so I propose that once a player has captured their 6th capital, they save the .trn & .2h for each turn of their countdown turns so that there will be proof that you've met the victory requirement.

The terms are vague I suggest going this way,

Turn 1 - You've captured your 6th capital yay!
Turn 2 - You hold all 6
Turn 3 - You hold all 6
Turn 4 - You still have all 6. Congratulations you win!

I will also assume that your starting capital is included in the 6, therefore you only need to take 5. Also if at any point during the countdown you lose one of the 6 the countdown is turned back to 1 once you get your 6th again.

Once any player has met the condition and has their back ups ready to go, pm me and the game will be paused as the turns are checked.
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