Thread: Communions
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Old March 7th, 2009, 05:09 PM
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Default Communions

I have just read Baalz's 'Guide to Communions' for the first time as I was terrified to try and understand them.

I have read it 3 times (and am still terrified but now just seem to not understand it)and have a couple of simple questions.

IF I am right about these things (or get a correct answer) then I can go on to a little more...

Lets say I am Arco (as I am familiar with thier mages).

I have 20 Mystics in my Capitol, not all have the exact same paths and strength of paths they have.

(I may say this somewhat wrong but I am just trying to see IF the example I use would be correct, even if its not smart to do)

I can cast Slave Master on 1 Mystic (19 left) and since its 1 to the power of 2 I can cast slave and have 16 slaves (leaving 3 left over for research or whatever).

So, I have a master and 16 slaves....they all NOW have the same paths and path strength as the master.

Now say I want to cast a spell that does 25 damage normally....since I have the power of 4 it will now hit with 100 damage.

Lets say the Fatigue is 40 (heres where it starts getting difficult for me). Does that mean 40 x 4 = 160 because its the power of 4 OR does it stay at 40?

Now that THAT question is out let me pose one more.

IF it stays at 40..does that divide the fatigue among all 17 (1 Master and 16 slaves) for approx 2.35 Fatigue per Mystic.

Just for the slaves which would make it just slightly higher.

OR is it based on 160 divided bt 17 (1 master and 16 alaves) for 9.41 fatique per mystic and agian slightly higher if just the slaves are used.

I am not concerned if 1 master and 16 slaves is good or not at this point...I am just rtying to understand the math on casting the spell.

Thanks and anything else related to that matter you think I should know please chime in!!!!
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