Re: Communions
I think you've got a little confused in there.
16 slaves will let the master cast as if he has 4 more levels in each path he has access to. It does not multiply the power of the spell by 4, or the fatigue. Orb Lightning would produce 4 more bolts than previously, and an S4 caster would become able to cast Master Enslave.
The slaves will not suddenly have the same paths as the master. They retain their own paths and levels. BUT - for the purposes of reducing fatigue from spells the master casts, and only for that purpose, they are IIRC treated as if their paths are 4 higher.
When the master casts a spell, he receives no fatigue. Fatigue from the spell is divided equally between the slaves. Each slave then treats the fatigue assigned to them as if they had cast the spell themselves. Example: Master casts an S1 spell with 20 fatigue, and has 2 slaves. Each slave has 10 fatigue assigned to them. A slave with S2 *afrer the communion boost* would net 5 fatigue.
Last edited by Gregstrom; March 7th, 2009 at 06:10 PM..