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Old March 7th, 2009, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: EA Mictlan - extension

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Another useful summon is Civateteo, you'll need to get Onaquis before you can summon them since they're death/blood but they make good stealthy thugs,
Sacred, etherial, fear and a life drain attack. Put a wine shield and any armor and send to raid some provinces.
Yeah, I didn't have a full appreciation for how awesome the civateteo is when I wrote that guide (like 10 years ago). She's one of the best thug chasises in the game as cheap as blood slaves are for Mictlan. Ethereal, life draining, stealthy, fear aura *and* she can self bless on a nation who generally goes for a strong blessing? There's almost nothing else you could wish for. To top it off she's got an absurdly high undead leadership - which works for demons to! Oh, and she can raise free undead chaff to if you're looking for that kind of thing. If you're worried about seeking arrows or really anything other than mind hunts you just attack then sneak, attack then sneak and you can't be hit by most rituals.

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Now this is something very interesting, maybe a little hard to pull off but still, if you can give a Civateteo 2 death boosters for darkness and get your hands on unholy sword for holy bonus to cast divine blessing, you can make one hell of a surprise massacre.
Not as hard as you'd think. Skull staff + a blood booster (2? I don't remember how much you need to not pass out) = Hell power, divine blessing, darkness. Having a dozen of the flaming weapon, high attack beast bats guarding the commander will take care of the horrors. Crystal shield by itself should also work if you have access to them. Darkness should also work reasonably well even just with the jaguar warriors assuming your enemy doesn't have darkvision - their defense is effected just as much as your attack for melee, but all those archers he massed are boned as well as guys spamming blade wind at you. Good luck hitting anything at all if they're putting up storm as well to try and stop your bats. How tough are a swarm of blessed jaguar warriors when your only option to fight them is melee?

Also, (I've learned a lot since I wrote that guide) Mictlan does wonderfully under utterdark - doesn't effect blood hunting and your demons are supercharged. By that point you can quite easily switch to a blood only economy using Tlahuelpuchi for your cheaper mages/bloodhunters and Oniqui for the high end stuff - you won't miss recruiting anything. Can be worthwhile going with a death blessing instead of a fire one if you think you can pull it off as your end game strategy. Even if you didn't, it's also something to keep in mind if you can line up another nation who would benefit and pool gems to put it up.

Darkness is Mictlan's friend in a big way.

Last edited by Baalz; March 7th, 2009 at 05:58 PM..
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