Re: Mod in Progress: Holy War
Look at updated Jomon of the upcoming patch. You'll probably like the idea behind Monks and Signs of the Fivefold Path.
Independent priests will replace all H1 national priests unless you change them. I suggest giving them base encumberance 6 and new armor, "ornamental robe", prot 3 enc 8. That way they can still preach, but they'll go quickly unconscious.
Different nations have different concepts of the paths, so don't get too caught up in definitions. Instead, consider what nations will have easy access to which spells. It'd be more work, but consider making all cross-path holy spells nation-spesific. Holy/Air, for example, is anything from Pythium to Eriu to Vanheim to Tien Chi to (MA) Mictlan. Mictlan should have holy/air spell, because their god is the sky, others just happen to be air mages that are priests.
Of course, it would be much more work, so here are some thoughts on the matter. First, MA.
MA Arcos: only native priest is Priestess, H2N1, and they heal the wounded, so H2N1 healing spell is pretty self-explanatory.
MA Ermor: all about priests, doesn't need anything more.
MA Pythium: Battle Deacon is the only one that needs the boost. Unfortunately, you can't add a combat buff to Battle Deacons without giving angels access to the same buff. Then again, I guess a nation that can summon angels doesn't need priests that much.
MA Man: priesthood is weak on purpose. If you want to add something, then add something about praying to the dead or calming the dead, since it's in their description. Perhaps just a better Banishment?
MA Ulm: better off than most. If you just give Black Acolytes a chance of E1 and add a H1 buff spell, Ulm player will build some Acolytes to get more Iron Blizzard casters, and use the rest in the frontlines to buff the troops.
Ma Marignon: Change Holy Pyre to fire/holy. Marignon should also have some spells to use against enemy sacreds, and a F1/Holy 4 spell only castable by High Inquisitor prophet, a hero or a HI with an artifact. Also, Fire/Holy version of the Inner Sun ritual.
MA Mictlan
Aspect of the Rain, the life-giver: healing spell
Aspect of the Sun, the watchful face: gives the faithful "strength of heart"
Aspect of the Moon, the dreaming face: since prophetic dreams are hard to do, it could just cause enemies to fall asleep
Aspect of the Sky: "harsh judgement in the form of thunder"
Aspect of the Land: no idea, but Priest Kings already levy Slave Warriors.
MA Tien Chi:
One can have so much fun with them. Think Masters of the Way and national spells. Same applies to MA Shinuyama.
MA Machaka: already has three unique priests, all more or less useful. Ears of the Lord are H1 spies, Eyes of the Lord are H1 okleaders (40) with patrol bonus 15 and Voice of the Lord is H2 and greatleader (80). Is it possible to make spells that only affect animals? Hmm, or give them a custom Blessing that also gives Antimagic to the sacreds.
MA Agartha:
H1E1: Will of the Earth, earth grip + fatigue, fatigue scales with holyness and is MR-negates, number of effects scales with holyness
Waters of the Earth: H1W1, single-person Encase in Ice +cold damage, damage scales with holyness and EiI is MR negates (freezing waters from the depths of the earth spring forth and trap the enemy)
Fires of the Earth: H1F1, combustion and fire damage to single target, minor poison damage on AoE1 (noxious fumes and gas explode from the depts of the earth, burning the victim and poisoning anyone nearby).
There could also be a Holy/Death spell for Oracles, and another high-Holy spell for them and Marble Oracles.
MA Abysia: should share Fire/Holy and Holy/Fire spells from EA Abysia, and get a new Blood/Holy spell for Demonbreds. Description of Anathemant Salamanders speaks about them "feeding the anger inherent in the hearts of all Abysian warriors" -> berserk. Also, consider changing Inner Furnace to Fire 1/Holy 2-3. If it's Holy 3, Salamanders can't cast it with Phoenix Power any more, but on the other hand, it gets extra penetration from extra Fire magic and it's easier to spam since the caster gets less fatigue from it.
MA Caelum: H2 Seraphines are the only priests, and frost flowers and wing-cutting don't make for combat spells. Could you do a H2 Raven's Feast that killed the casting Seraphine? LA Caelum's Caretaker's description mentions predatory birds devouring dead Caelians.
MA Pangaea: They don't need anything more.
MA C'tis, Jotunheim: no ideas.
MA Vanheim: Vanir are your priests AND your mages. I'm not sure they warrant anything new, but it'd be easy enough to do.
MA Bandar Log: Yogi definitely need all the help they can get, but I'm not sure what one could do with them. Perhaps range 0 Sermon of Courage?
MA Ashdod: they don't need anything more.
MA Atlantis:
Blessing of the Deeps, H3 Friendly Currents.
MA R'lyeh: their priests walk the Void, and that's unique enough.
MA Oceania: Bishop Fish really need something more. Preferably something that would also be useful on land. Perhaps H3 Haste or Quickness.
MA Eriu: Holy/Air illusion would be nice, but they can already cast those. No idea.