Thread: Communions
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Old March 8th, 2009, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: Communions

Originally Posted by Jarkko View Post
Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer View Post
Do ALL mages have to be the same?
EXAMPLE: You have Communion Master and 16 slaves. The master has with items S8, thus he is boosted to S12 from the communion. The slaves are S2 mages, thus boosted to S6 from communion (notice that this boost is *only* for fatigue, they can't go around casting S6 spells themselves).

On first round each of your mages cast the You decide to cast Communion Slave (except the master casts Communion Master of course). On second round your master casts Master Enslave (lets say he does it with 13 astral pearls). How does the fatigue split?

The Master gets 800/9 (as he has 4 extra levels in S above the required S8 *and* he uses those five extra Astral Pearls to further boost the effective level to 16 for this casting) which is 89 (notice that the AI does not willingly cast spells that kill them, and sometimes are reluctant with spells that would make them unconcious too; for the important killer spells make sure you have enough extra gems along ).

The slaves get first 800/16=50 fatigue each (as there are 16, and the 800 is split evenly). However, as they are effectively 3 levels short from the required S8 the fatigue is multiplied by 3, thus each slave gets 150 fatigue and they fall unconcious.
A couple of points.

1. According to the research in Baalz' thread about communions, the Master ONLY gets fatigue equal to his spellcasting encumbrance - normally under 10 points, and certainly not 89. Spell fatigue As an addendum: AFAIK, spell fatigue caps out at 200 outside communions. Cast a spell worth 300 fatigue, and your mage will fall unconscious with 200.

2. If your slaves are 3 levels short of S8, I think they'd get 4 times the fatigue.

So, you'd actually get a master with <10 fatigue and a bunch of slaves with probably 200. This would be a good time to cast Vortex of Returning.
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