Originally Posted by Endoperez
Originally Posted by OmikronWarrior
Keep in Mind, you can only use one additional Gem beyond the casting cost. This raises the mage's path level by one for that particular spell (which as a side effect can reduce fatigue). I could not tell you the relationship with communions.
More than one, according to manual. The first one raises level (which as a side effect reduces fatigue), the others just reduce fatigue. This is how the AI likes to burn all those gems you wish it wouldn't.
As I was saying, there was a big discussion about it awhile back, and it seemed to be a known bug that though it was intended for more gems to be viable (and so, you CAN eat more than 1 extra), any gems beyond the first extra, do nothing at all.
Okay, page 1 of
This Thread has some good info, but I linked page 2 because KO pretty clearly states that you can only use 1 gem as a "booster".
The Almighty Llama seems to share this same belief.