Re: Communions
You can only use 1 gem to boost your path and cast a spell you would otherwise not have access to. You can use multiple gems for fatigue reduction, and it does work.
My test: D6 PoD casting CBM Bone Grinding (D7,fatigue x 2, 30D gems, neutral magic scales.
1st cast: uses 1 gem. Fatigue at 99.
castspell: cnr143 spl396 (Bone Grinding) vis1 x6 y16 spldmg3^M
vis 1 xvis 1^M
2nd cast: uses 6 gems. Fatigue at 115
castspell: cnr143 spl396 (Bone Grinding) vis6 x6 y16 spldmg3^M
vis 6 xvis 6^M
I'm not sure why fatigue is 115 after the second cast, and not 119 (99+99/5) or 114 (99+99/5-5).
Also: it's annoying how when casting spells in combat, the casting algorithm does not like to use gems to reduce fatigue, until you actually have fatigue. It would be much more efficient to just cast with 2 gems both times, or better yet 3 gems, instead of 1 gem for the 1st cast, then 6 gems for the second.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.