Thread: Communions
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Old March 9th, 2009, 03:39 AM

Illuminated One Illuminated One is offline
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Default Re: Communions

Originally Posted by Gregstrom
1. According to the research in Baalz' thread about communions, the Master ONLY gets fatigue equal to his spellcasting encumbrance - normally under 10 points, and certainly not 89.
I'm pretty sure the master gets fatigue from the spell.
The correct formula for the masters fatigue seems to be:
Adjusted Spell fatigue = Spell fatigue / (1 + Skill in Path after communion - Skill required)
(Adjusted Spell fatigue + Encumberance) / Number of Slaves


4 Witch Hunters casting (Communion Slave)(hold)...
and 1 Marignon Grand Master F3E1S1 with 10 enc casting

(Communion Master) -> Master at 20 fatigue
(Flaming Arrows with 1 Gem) -> Master at 35 fatigue
(Invulnerability) -> Master at 42 Fatigue

(Communion Master) -> Master at 20 fatigue
(Will of the Fates with 4 Gems) -> Master at 122 fatigue

So calculating Master Fatigue for the Tests would go like this:

Flaming Arrows:
Master starts with F3. In the communion he has F5 due to 4 slaves.
Spell requires F4 with 100 fatigue.
=> Adjusted Spell fatigue = 100 / (1 + 5 - 4) = 50
Master Fatigue = (50 + 10) / 4 = 15

Master starts with E1. In the communion he has E3.
Spell requires E3 with 20 fatigue.
=> Adjusted Spell fatigue = 20 / (1 + 3 - 3) = 20
Master Fatigue = (20 + 10) / 4 = 7.5

Will of the Fates:
Master starts with S2. In the communion he has S4.
Spell requires S4 with 400 fatigue.
=> Adjusted Spell fatigue = 400
Master Fatigue = (400 + 10) / 4 = 102.5
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