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Old March 9th, 2009, 02:24 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Integrating Strategies

Ah... Kailasa, one of my favorite nations.

You can, literally, kill almost any SP army with about 20 of Kailasa's sacreds (Yavana's I think) with an A9S9 bless. The only problem will come if the AI has summoned Clockwork Horrors, lots of undead, or has berserk troops.

Imprisoned Oracle A9S9 Order3Sloth3Growth?Heat3Misf1Magic? Dom8
(you can play with the Growth and Magic scale, both could be good. With Order3 and Growth3 you can actually Tax at 110 with no penalty; good synergy. Magic3 is always nice though.)

recruit and prophetize that cross-legged monkey on your first two turns.
for the first year, attempt to recruit mostly Yaksha or the non-cross legged monkeys (when you don't have enough money for a Yaksha) and use them to lead troops. The Yaksha can lead and bless, the white monkeys can only lead (ie, you will need a priest), the cross-legged guys can lead more than the other white monkey, but they have a map-move of only 1. One of your first priorities should be building a temple next to your capital where there is a recruitable priest.

You need the same guys you might use to research to be leading troops this first year. Ignore research and just conquer provinces. You should favor recruiting more sacreds over recruiting another Yaksha at this point. Recruit your sacreds and markata archers. About 8 sacreds and a troop of markata archers can conquer about 5 provinces before you've lost too many sacreds and need to get some backup (when you get less than 4 or 5, you should probably get more). You should be able to send out another expansion party every turn. By turn 12, you should have close to 20 provinces. Do note that after the first year, you should _ALWAYS_ recruit a Yaksha/Yakshini (you only would not at first so you can get more sacreds for a quick initial expansion).

You will now be pressing up against opponents. Slow your expansion and get a couple of extra forts built, if you havn't already. Start researching. Research site search first (thau2 Evoc2 Conj3). site search and summon Apsaras. Research thau6 for Celestial Quickness next. This will also net you good Astral spells. Now start banging down Evoc and Alt. I'd go for Evoc4 first to get some battle magic, then Alt 4 or 5 so your Yakshas/Yakshini can buff themselves so they can sit on frontlines with little danger. Get to about Alt 6 and Evoc 6 before you start thinking about reearching anything else. That will get you some really nice battle magic that your mages are perfectly set to use.

Use Panic, Destruction, Iron Bane, Bladewind, Earthquake, Paralyze, and the like. You should focus on your sacreds, massed archers, and battle magic. With Kailasa I would ignore thugs until you have at least Alt and Evoc 6, then think about Conj and Const. Use the fact that you can destroy stuff with very small armies backed up by battle mages and spread your forces about (rather than use big armies for main battles with thugs for raiding). Use your kick-*** scales to build extra forts and temples and keep your research and priests (for blessing) flowing.

If you have to deal with Undead or berserkers, capitalize on the fact that they are typically poorly armored and allow your Bladewind ready mages and masses of archers to mow them down. YOu can use markata chaff to hold them back (but they will die in droves, well that's ok, that's what chaff is for). I actually find the sacreds are still OK against these opponents. They don't have to fear your own archers / bladewinds, their high defense helps even if they don't benefit from their Awe.

Later on recruit Kinnaras and Siddhas as Air battle mages. Use them with Thunder Strike, Wrathful Skies, Storm, and Shimmering Fields paired with your sacreds. They can toss these evocations around and your SR75 sacreds don't need to worry too much about collateral damage. If you get some spells that bestow additional SR, you can make your sacreds immune to those spells altogether.

Kailasa is one of my favorite nations because they can be so powerful if played right. They are elegant but brutal, very twitchy though (if that makes any sense to you).
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